
The Greatest 10 Minute Workout! 

Before I brag about this workout, I need to give credit where credit is due.  Thank you Ross Enamait, of RossTraining.com...I have followed many of his workout schemes.  This is one of them and in my opinion--the greatest short workout ever!!!! 


12 burpees

24 push ups

36 jump squats

400 meter run on a track

I will do these four body weight exercises consecutively for a cycle until I complete four intense cycles trying to beat an all time best of 10:05. I average 10:15 on a good day and 10:35 on a bad day.   

With this workout, you will work out your entire body!  You will develop your anaerobic endurance.  This is the ability to keep sprinting even when exhausted.  This workout is what allowed me to explode in the final seconds of my gold medal grappling match for a takedown and win!

I recommend this workout to anyone trying to improve their anaerobic endurance.  This applies to soldiers, marathon runners, boxers, wrestlers, MMA fighters and even football players.  


The Warrior Diet........

The warrior diet is very simplistic but misunderstood because it is a way of life.
A lot of Americans are not mentally prepared to deal with emergencies.  You see, when we are hungry our bodies are under stress and our sympathetic nervous system is in the flight or fight mode.  Americans are not used to being hungry.  Everywhere I go, I see fast food restaurants!  It's the unhealthiest processed food we can eat!  It's designed to make us hungrier so we want more of it.  Sooner or later, our body's "insulin-sugar shuttling system" will become very inefficient making us fatter, unhealthier and then ultimately sick!  Shame on you "fast food corporate" and "pharmaceutical corporate" America!  Shame on you!!! 
What if the worse happens, a deep financial depression forces most fast food restaurants to shut down or even worse-the food supply gets compromised due to terrorism?  Would the average American's nervous system be prepared to handle dealing with hunger?  No way Jose!!!
The warrior diet teaches our nervous system and bodies how to optimally function during times of emergency.  It also re teaches us what the most important nutrient of all is...Take a wild guess.  It's known as H2O aka water!  Without water our systems would be unable to function optimally and we would eventually die.  The warrior diet trains us how to fast and drink water during the day so that we can rid our bodies of toxins and even undergo cellular recycling.  Supposedly, our bodies have the ability to recycle cells that we don't have any use for! Our bodies are miraculous systems and will heal itself if we take care of it!  Believe it or not, after 4 years of following this regimen of eating---I still have more energy when I fast with just water versus when I have decided to eat organic fresh fruit during the day for health purposes. 
The good news is that we are not in a state of emergency but I'm prepared to deal with hunger.  The bad news is that most of us are not prepared for this.  Going back to normalcy, I do eat food.
I eat once daily.  When I do eat, I pretend that it will be the last meal I ever eat.  I make sure that I eat the healthiest meal.  What I put in my body is my medicine.  First, I eat organic greens such as kale, spinach, romaine lettuce etc and as much as I can!  Then I eat meats such as lamb, pork etc.  Finally, I eat the junk food which are complex carbs and starches such as corn, beans, squash etc...I will even eat hummus and pita breads.  By the time I hit that phase of my meal--my stomach is already full of roughage greens, protein and fats so the sugars are forced to break down slower.  I always include my red wine fix after my great meal!  Time to rest, relax and maximize digestion.  This is when the parasympathetic nervous system works best.
In four years of the warrior diet, I'm in the best shape of my life.  I have lost 30 pounds permanently.  I will be irritable if I can't workout more than eight times weekly.  I'm always full of energy.  The crazy thing is my body will adjust to extreme conditions.  This summer has been the worst summer ever but my body was able to adjust to the heat in two weeks.  I only rely on a mister and a few fans at my gym so you can imagine how hot it gets when I don't have the mister on.  In other words, the nervous system can become resistant to many different emergency extremes-if it is trained to do so!
This is why the Warrior diet is very simplistic but also a way of becoming a REAL WARRIOR!!! 
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